fsxw 2009-4-23 08:39
Option Explicit
Dim ypstr, tjstr, lsstr As String
Dim hj As Integer
Dim ypconn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cxset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Reportrk As New CrystalReport2
Dim Reportck As New CrystalReport4
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Option1.Value = True Then '入库明细datestr = Mid(Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD"), 1, 4) + "." + Mid(Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD"), 6, 2) + "." + Mid(Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD"), 9, 2)
tjstr = "select * from RKBF"
End If
If Option2.Value = True Then '出库明细
tjstr = "select * from CKBF"
End If
sjklj (tjstr)
If Not cxset.EOF Then '药品库中有数据
If Text1.Text = "" Then
If Check1.Value = 1 And Mid(cxset!日期, 6, 2) = Mid(Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD"), 6, 2) Or Check2.Value = 1 And Mid(cxset!日期, 1, 4) = Mid(Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD"), 1, 4) Or Check1.Value = 1 And Check2.Value = 1 And Mid(cxset!日期, 1, 7) = Mid(Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD"), 1, 7) Then
Reportrk.Database.SetDataSource cxset
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
CRViewer91.ReportSource = Reportrk
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End If
If Check2.Value = 1 And Mid(cxset!日期, 6, 2) = Mid(Text1.Text, 6, 2) Or Check2.Value = 1 And Mid(cxset!日期, 1, 4) = Mid(Text1.Text, 1, 4) Or Check1.Value = 1 And Check2.Value = 1 And Mid(cxset!日期, 1, 7) = Mid(Text1.Text, 1, 7) Then
Reportck.Database.SetDataSource cxset
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
CRViwer91.ReportSource = Reportck
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End If
End If
MsgBox " 数据库中没有数据,不能进行统计!", 0, "提示信息"
End If
End Sub
Nothing 2009-9-25 23:55
代码前加Option Explicit 就是要求变量必需定义