刺兔 2007-4-7 00:36
《一首温润心灵的歌曲》——Savage Garden
野人花园是一个二人组合,乐队由主唱darren和吉他手兼键盘手daniel组成。两个来自澳大利亚布里斯班的年轻人在1993 年时走到了一起,起初Daniel原来所在的乐队正缺少一名主唱,于是他在附近的酒馆里张贴了一张招聘广告,这张广告吸引来了Darren,他和20多名应聘者一起参加了面试,他是最后一个出场,可能是太紧张了,他唱歌时声音沙哑而且走了调。但是Daniel却偏偏看上了他,觉得他就是自己要找的人。 Darren加入了Daniel的乐队,开始演唱别人的歌曲,在相处中这两个人越来越投机,尤其是在音乐上他们总能找到共同的感受,这促使他们创作了第一首他们自己的歌曲:“A thousand word”,这首歌曲的成功给他们带来了强烈的鼓舞和激情,终于他们离开了原来的乐队组成了自己的乐队.
Darren很喜欢读Anne rice的小说,其中在一本名为《吸血鬼编年史》的小说中,作者把这个世界描述为一个野人的花园,于是Savage Garden作为他们乐队的名字就这样得来了。
从97年出道以来,Savage Garden的两张专辑《Savage Garden》及《Affirmation》总计在全球创下2300万张的惊人销售,而Truly Madly Deeply、I Knew I Loved You两首轰动全球的冠军情歌及多首脍炙人口的畅销金曲更奠定Savage Garden的巨星地位,两张专辑还一共囊括了14座澳洲歌坛最高荣誉、象徵澳洲葛莱美奖的“唱片工业协会奖”ARIA Awards肯定,堪称“澳洲国宝”。
这首Santa Monica桑塔莫尼卡是选自他们的首张同名专辑《Savage Garden》。这首歌听起来很有味道,还有个特点,就是没前奏,上来直接就唱了。这样的慢歌很少见,不用酝酿情绪,可见歌手唱功与感染力不俗。这首歌曲在主唱甜美而绝对不腻烦的歌声中与吉他同时上场,音乐非常的简洁,没有任何复杂的装饰,一切都依托、衬托着Darren Hayes的嗓子(Darren Hayes的高音真假声浑若天成的转换功夫简直是歌坛一绝)。
[color=royalblue]In Santa Monica ,in the winter time
The lazy streets so undemanding
I walk into the crowd
In Santa Monica
you get your coffee from
The coolest places on the promenade
Where people dress just so
Beauty so unavoidable
everywhere you turn it's there
I sit and wonder what am I doing here
But on the telephone line I am anyone
I am anything I want to be
I could be a supermodel
or Norman Mailer
And you wouldn't know the difference
Or would you ?
In Santa Monica
all the people got modern names
Like Jake or Mandy
And modern bodies too
In Santa Monica, on the boulevard
You'll have to dodge those in-line skaters
Or they'll knock you down
I never felt so lonely
Never felt so out of place
I never wanted something more than this
But on the telephone line I am anyone
I am anything I want to be
I could be a supermodel
or Norman Mailer
And you wouldn't know the difference
On the telephone line, I am any height
I am any age I want to be
I could be a caped crusader
or space invader
And you would know the difference
Or would you[/color]