bj.zifi 2007-4-24 14:36
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[size=10pt]以上信息仅给有兴趣和有能力的朋友提供参考[/size][size=10pt],[/size][size=10pt]希望大家都能申请到![/size][font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000] [/color][/size][/font]
[[i] 本帖最后由 bj.zifi 于 2007-5-15 10:37 编辑 [/i]]
bj.zifi 2007-4-24 14:41
bj.zifi 2007-4-27 09:54
[color=#000000][b][font=宋体][size=12pt]一、[/size][/font][/b][b][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][/b][b][font=宋体][size=12pt]简介[/size][/font][/b][b][size=12pt][/size][/b][/color]
[color=#000000][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]是软件工程职业资格认证的英文缩写,英文全称[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman] Certified
Development Professional (CSDP) [/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]是[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt](即国际电子与电器工程师学会计算机学会)面向全世界颁发的软件开发方面的认证考试项目。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]是国际上最负盛名的工程学术组织,其成员囊括了世界各国顶尖级工程领域学者,其出版物是国际上最具权威性的学术刊物。[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE [/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]通过其技术出版物,会议和标准活动促进行业内的技术革新,在电子工程、计算机及控制技术方面所发表的论文占世界论文总量的[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]30%[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]是世界上最早和最大的计算机专业人士的学会,早在五十多年以前,[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]就建立了其在业界的引领地位,是[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]下属最大的技术学会,目前在[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]157[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]个国家拥有[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]10[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]万多会员。同时,它也是世界上计算机领域领先的技术资料出版商。给近[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]100,000[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]名会员提供内容广泛的出版物;在计算机科学领域,在出版物的质量、数量或者多样性方面,[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]与其他专业或商业团体相比,一直处于领先地位。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]是[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]为了适应全球信息技术发展带来的知识爆炸,促进知识转换成专业技能和竞争优势的需要,经过[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]3[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]年多的大规模调查研究,于[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]2001[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]年向全世界推出的软件开发专业认证。这是[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]在这个专业领域内开发的第一个国际性的软件开发专业认证,是[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]将“软件工程”思想实际运用于[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IT[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]领域的具体实践。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][font=宋体][size=12pt]该认证专门测定业内专业人士所需的知识和技术竞争能力,并且在整个国际软件行业内确立专业标准,是唯一一个集[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]品牌、信誉和标准为一体的计算机专业技术人员的认证体系,被称为软件工程师的“国际执照”。截至目前为止,全世界共有[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]500[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]多人通过认证,我国现有[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]5[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]人通过认证考试并获得证书。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]虽然是一个认证体系,但它不是一个简单的证书,而是一个国际化的软件行业专业权威标志,从一定意义上说它是一个软件职业的国际通行证,通过认证,表明一个软件专业技术人员在本行业内不仅已全面理解和掌握了软件工程所需的相关知识和实践能力,具有非常专业的技能和专长,而且具备了从一般技术人员向技术管理岗位过渡的条件。这对个人而言,无疑是创造了极强的个人竞争优势,必将对个人职业生涯发展产生重要影响;而对企业而言,则是拥有了丰厚的人力资本,这在激烈竞争的市场环境中,拥有[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]人才的企业,已经抢占了市场先机,是一种企业对未来资源的投资。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][font=宋体][size=12pt]目前,我国软件行业在创新能力和开发能力方面与发达国家的差距还比较大,软件产品的随意性、不规范性影响了软件产品的出口和企业进军国际市场的步伐。所以,在全球信息化大潮中,我国软件行业要冲出国门,走向世界,就要尽快与国际标准和国际市场接轨。必须按照软件工程的思想实现软件产品的标准化、规范化、文档化。[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]的[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]认证涵盖了软件工程的[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]11[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]个领域,作为一个基于[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]SWEBOK[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]体系的高端认证,将有助于缩小我国软件业与发达国家的差距,使企业获得合格的软件职业国际专业人才,实现承接外包订单,进军海外的国际之路。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[size=12pt][font=Times New Roman][color=#000000] [/color][/font][/size]
[color=#000000][b][font=宋体][size=12pt]二、[/size][/font][/b][b][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][/b][b][font=宋体][size=12pt]落地中关村的背景[/size][/font][/b][b][size=12pt][/size][/b][/color]
[color=#000000][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman] [/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]中关村科技园区海淀园是我国第一个国家级高新技术产业园区,经过十几年的持续增长,[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]2003[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]年海淀园技工贸总收入已达到[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]1705.48[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]亿元,工业增加值占北京市[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]GDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]的[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]11.5[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]%。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][font=宋体][size=12pt]近年来,为了更好地落实国务院《关于加快中关村科技园区建设的批复》海淀园大力推进“二次创业”战略,运用园区政府的管理职能,从政策和宏观环境等方面,促进新技术产业发展鼓励企业技术创新。[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]2004[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]年,为提高园区[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IT[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]企业的综合创新能力,软件企业的市场开发能力及行业向国际化标准靠拢,创建世界一流园区、打造一流园区技术氛围,以加速园区企业国际化的进程,海淀园管委会与[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]签订了合作框架协议。根据协议,[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]将在软件开发认证、计算机学会电子图书室,远程教育等项目上与海淀园开展合作。海淀园将在专门机构、工作环境等方面提供基本条件,帮助学会开展咨询、培训、考察、交流、展览等活动,并将深入研究为企业提供配套服务的方法与政策。这个合作,对于整合双方资源,实现优势互补,并进一步推动海淀园在科技领域向更高水平、更宽领域和更深层次发展具有重要意义,这是国内一流园区政府与国际顶尖学术组织的合作,是一个“巨人的握手”。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[size=12pt][font=Times New Roman][color=#000000] [/color][/font][/size]
[color=#000000][b][font=宋体][size=12pt]三、[/size][/font][/b][b][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][/b][b][font=宋体][size=12pt]在中关村的实践[/size][/font][/b][b][size=12pt][/size][/b][/color]
[color=#000000][font=宋体][size=12pt]为了落实园区与[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]IEEE-CS[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]的协议,[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]2005[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]年下半年,在海淀园管委会的大力支持和推动下,以国际化为主旨,打造软件企业综合竞争力的培训课程[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]CSDP[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]认证课程正式启动。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][font=宋体][size=12pt]截至目前,首期班已结束全部教学课程,学员进入复习备考,其中[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]2[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]名学员已分别在在[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]4[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]月中旬和[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]5[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]月底顺利通过认证,其他学员将在[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]6[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]月底参加考试。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][font=宋体][size=12pt]同时,[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]2[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]期班正在热招中,预计将于[/size][/font][size=12pt][font=Times New Roman]8[/font][/size][font=宋体][size=12pt]月初开课(其他具体情况,详见招生简章)。[/size][/font][size=12pt][/size][/color]
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bj.zifi 2007-4-28 11:18
[font=宋体][size=14pt][color=#000000] 海淀科技园管委会为推动园区企业国际化进程,培养符合国际标准的软件工程人才,决定在园区软件企业中大力推广IEEE-CS的CSDP认证。为鼓励园区企业选送其优秀软件工程师参加CSDP培训和认证,海淀区管委会设立专项资金,来支持参加认证的企业和个人。依据海淀园管委会和于军副区长的指示,学院特制定《CSDP奖学金》条例如下:[/color][/size][/font]
[[i] 本帖最后由 bj.zifi 于 2007-4-28 12:15 编辑 [/i]]
bj.zifi 2007-5-15 10:38
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 15:42
半年前的一个傍晚,在清华紫光交流中心,20几个“敢于吃螃蟹”的软件工程师英勇誓师,力争要通过 CSDP(软件行业高端人才认证),挑战国际高端软件人才。誓师会上,海淀区副区长、海淀园管委会副主任于军的话,至今还记忆犹新:CSDP认证有难度,全国目前仅有三人通过。我希望我们能有学员通过认证,当然如果一人都没有通过,那也不是坏事,正好说明我们和国际水平还有差距,还要继续努力。半年过去了,CSDP首期班考试季(4月-6月)刚刚结束,学员们的通过率到底怎么样?
超过50%的通过率,既高也低。从国内软件产业的发展来看,我国软件产业规模从2000年的593亿元人民币发展到2005年的3900亿元人民币;2000年软件出口额仅为4亿美元,2005年软件出口与外包已达35.9亿美元。增长的背后都是软件人才队伍整体提升的结果。可是,国内CSDP通过率虽然陡增,但不仅要比美国的60-70%的通过率低,而且基数也要小。“没有通过认证的不代表他就不具备同等的水平”, 事实上CSDP叫好不叫座的主要原因还是出于认知不足。
[b] 理性看待职业演化[/b]
某项职业在其核心知识领域上达成一致,是所有学科的里程碑。CSDP的推出,正是软件工程向职业状态演化的关键。据研修学院方面介绍,CSDP源于Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge,即软件工程知识指南,简称SWEBOK。它是ISO/IEC JTC 1(ISO和IEC的第一联合技术委员会)历经“稻草人”、“石人”、“铁人”三个阶段,用了近10年的时间研究出来的成果。CSDP认证的10个方面内容基本上对应了SWEBOK规定的10个知识领域,并将SWEBOK的相关学科内容改为软件工程经济学,共11个模块的内容,成为一套完整的软件工程知识体系,以此测验软件专业人士的知识水平。由于规定了从业时间限制,实际它也是软件开发实践经验的测试。
好在前面有勇者探路,每次考完归来,学员和老师间的沟通就成了大家了解这“考题随机变化,因人而异”的CSDP考试最直接的窗口。前一批学员考试归来的体会都是后来者的鼓舞。过程是艰辛的收获。学员中第一个通过认证的李波就告诉记者,“处在转型期的程序员,完全有必要来学习CSDP,答题的过程一直是理论联系实际的一个过程”。在他们看来,学习再加上工作中的实际经验,将使他们更上层楼,在职位提升上打下伏笔。(本报记者 胡蓉)
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 15:59
[font=宋体][color=black][font=ˎ̥]CSDP[/font][/color][color=black][font=ˎ̥]考试说明[/font][/color][color=black][font=ˎ̥][/font][/color][/font][color=black][font=ˎ̥][url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666][/color][/size][/size][/font][/url][/font][/color][font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]I. Business Practices and Engineering Economics[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]II. Software Requirements[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]III. Software Design[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]IV. Software Construction[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]V. Software Testing[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]VI. Software Maintenance[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]VII. Software Configuration Management[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]VIII. Software Engineering Management[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]IX. Software Engineering Process[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]X. Software Engineering Tools and Methods[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666]XI. Software Quality[/color][/size][/size][/font][/url]
[font=宋体][size=3]I. Business Practices and Engineering Economics (3-4% questions) [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Engineering Economics
B. Ethics
C. Professional Practice
D. Standards[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]II. Software Requirements (13-15% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Requirements Engineering Process
B. Requirements Elicitation
C. Requirements Analysis
D. Software Requirements Specification
E. Requirements Validation
F. Requirements Management[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]III. Software Design (22-24% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Software Design Concepts
B. Software Architecture
C. Software Design Quality Analysis and Evaluation
D. Software Design Notations and Documentation
E. Software Design Strategies and Methods
F. Human Factors in Software Design
G. Software and System Safety [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]IV. Software Construction (10-12% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Construction planning
B. Code design
C. Data design and management
D. Error processing
E. Source code organization
F. Code documentation
G. Construction QA
H. System integration and deployment
I. Code tuning
J. Construction tools [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]V. Software Testing (15-17% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Types of Tests
B. Test Levels
C. Testing Strategies
D. Test Design
E. Test Coverage of Code
F. Test Coverage of Specifications
G. Test Execution
H. Test Documentation
I. Test Management [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]VI. Software Maintenance (3-5% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Software Maintainability
B. Software Maintenance Process
C. Software Maintenance Measurement
D. Software Maintenance Planning
E. Software Maintenance Management
F. Software Maintenance Documentation[/size] [/font][/size][/font]
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 16:00
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]VII. Software Configuration Management (3-4% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Management of SCM Process
B. Software Configuration Identification
C. Software Configuration Control
D. Software Configuration Status Accounting
E. Software Configuration Auditing
F. Software Release Management and Delivery [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]VIII. Software Engineering Management (10-12% questions) [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Measurement
B. Organizational Management and Coordination
C. Initiation and Scope Definition
D. Planning
E. Software Acquisition
F. Enactment
G. Risk Management
H. Review and Evaluation
I. Project Close Out
J. Post-closure Activities [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]IX. Software Engineering Process (2-4% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Process Infrastructure
B. Process Measurement
C. Process Definition
D. Qualitative Process Analysis
E. Process Implementation and Change [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]X. Software Engineering Tools and Methods (2-4% questions)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Management Tools and Methods
B. Development Tools and Methods
C. Maintenance Tools and Methods
D. Support Tools and Methods [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]XI. Software Quality (6-8% questions) [/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]A. Software Quality Concepts
B. Planning for SQA and V&V
C. Methods for SQA and V&V
D. Measurement Applied to SQA and V&V[/size][/font][/size][/font]
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 16:01
CSDP 考试样题(一)
[font=宋体][color=black][font=ˎ̥]Sample Questions[/font][/color][color=black][font=ˎ̥]考试样题[/font][/color][color=black][font=ˎ̥][/font][/color][/font][color=black][font=ˎ̥][url=][font=Arial][size=9pt][size=3][color=#666666][/color][/size][/size][/font][/url][/font][/color][size=3][font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体, MS Song]1. Software configuration management involves identifying the configuration of the software:
[a] prior to the beginning of the lifecycle.
[b]at the beginning of the lifecycle only.
[c] at predefined points of time during the lifecycle.
[d] at the end of the lifecycle only.
2. Which of the following is not required of a software component?
[a] A unit of independent deployment
[b]Exploits commonalities in large software systems
[c] A unit of third-party composition
[d] Exposes source code for modification
3. In Modern Structured Analysis, the [/font][/size][/font][font=宋体][size=10pt]揺[/size][/font][/size][font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体, MS Song][size=3]vent list?is used to:
[a] improve requirements traceability.
[b]build an Entity-Life History diagram.
[c] document the data transactions in the Entity-Relationship Diagram.
[d] build a preliminary Data Flow Diagram for the system.
4. An engineer is developing a web presentation layer for a mission critical project. The technology chosen for the presentation layer is making it difficult to implement the user interface design. The engineer reads about a new technology for creating the type of web interface the project needs. It is decided that a rapid prototype will be created to perform an initial evaluation of the new technology. [/size][/font][b]
[b][font=ˎ̥][font=宋体, MS Song][size=3]Which of the following criteria is the LEAST important when doing the prototype?[/size][/font][/font][/b][/b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] Exercising the entire breadth of functionality
[b]Simulating the operational environment
[c] Exercising critical functionality
[d] Stepping through source with a debugger
5. Cleanroom Software Engineering techniques:
[a] emphasize defect prevention rather than defect removal.
[b]minimize formal verification practices.
[c] do not require a well-defined software development process.
[d] require that each member of the development team has a unique responsibility.[/size][/font]
[[i] 本帖最后由 bj.zifi 于 2007-5-16 16:17 编辑 [/i]]
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 16:03
CSDP 考试样题(二)
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]6. A technical lead is working on an iterative lifecycle project that is creating a well understood application using a technology the team has experience with. The project has 10 major use cases to implement; two have just been delivered on schedule in the first iteration. At the request of the project manager, who is concerned about the amount of effort being spent fixing defects, the lead has collected some data on quality performance during the first iteration. The data shows that planned reviews of requirements and design are not occurring. It shows that 22 defects are being detected during unit and system testing per 100 SLOC.[/size][/font][b]
[b][font=ˎ̥][font=宋体][size=3]The lead is asked to predict the defect trend for the project going forward. They calculate that with no changes in process the defect rate:[/size][/font][/font][/b][/b]
[font=宋体][size=3][a] will likely drop later in the project as kinks are worked out.
[b]will remain the same.
[c] will likely increase as the project progresses .
[d] cannot be predicted at this point.
7. During a software development project two similar requirements defects were detected. One was detected in the requirements phase, and the other during the implementation phase. Which of the following statements is mostly likely to be true?
[a] The most expensivedefect to correct is the one detected during the requirements phase.
[b]The most expensive defect to correct is the one detected during the implementation phase.
[c] The cost of fixing either defect will usually be similar.
[d] There is no relationship between the phase in which a defect is discovered and its repair cost. .
8. An engineer is tasked to verify a software release for a mission critical system. The plan is for the release of software for verification to occur on a Monday, with verification complete the following Friday. The release turns out not to be available until Thursday. The best route for the engineer is to:
[a] verify release criteria regardless of time line.
[b]do whatever testing they can by Friday.
[c] volunteer to work the weekend.
[d] relax release criteria .[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=宋体][size=3]9. The IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice allows you to accept a position for which you have no pertinent training or experience if:[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]I. The extent of your limitations are fully disclosed.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Appropriate training in the pertinent area is taken concurrently.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. The position is in a field where engineering decisions are well known.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. No conflict of interest is present.[/font][/b]
[font=宋体][size=3][a] I only
[b]I and II only
[c] I, II, and III only
[d] I, II, III, and IV
10. Which of the following do NOT affect the accuracy of the reliability estimate during statistical testing?[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]I. The validity of the usage profile.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. The number of test cases executed.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. The programming language used to implement the code.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. The cyclomatic complexity of the code.[/font][/b]
[font=宋体][size=3][a] I and II only.
[b]II and III only.
[c] III and IV only.
[d] I and III only.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体, MS Song][size=3]11. Two different implementations of an abstract class (or interface) have been created. If members of the software engineering team are to be able to correctly select the appropriate implementation to use, then the documentation for each of these implementations must include:
[a] a list of functions available and data used.
[b]the source code for the implementation.
[c] information about the side effects and resource usage for each function.
[d] name of the authors of each implementation and change history.[/size][/font]
:victory: [/size][/font][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]
[[i] 本帖最后由 bj.zifi 于 2007-5-16 16:18 编辑 [/i]]
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 16:05
CSDP 考试样题(三)
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体, MS Song][size=3]12. A new engineer has been assigned to a project team. The current project is 1 month into construction, and another 6 months of construction are expected. The engineer discovers that the only design document is an overview of the logical architecture. There are over 70 source code files, most over 600 lines long, residing in a single folder.
It is very difficult to follow the module design of the system, but there appears to be functionality redundantly coded among the files shared between files. The best steps for improvement would be to:
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]I. Combine files together to reduce the number of files[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Rework files to group functionality together[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. Use folders to group related files together[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. Change programming languages[/font][/b][/size][/font][/b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] I and II
[b] I and III
[c] II and III
[d] II and IV
13. In Structured Design, why are afferent and efferent flows identified when performing Transform Analysis?
[a] The flows represent data internal to the system.
[b] The flows are limited by the physical constraints of the devices.
[c] The system design should be independent of the format of the data.
[d] The system performance depends mainly on the time of the flows.
14. Which of the following is NOT a force that acts to encourage the generation of reference architectures?
[a] Future developers need to understand how to program future applications in a domain.
[b] A user community wants to interchange components and to inter-operate among systems.
[c] Potential customers need a principled basis for comparison among systems.
[d] The key aspects of an application domain remain invariant over time.
15. Paul has drafted a software project management plan. Which of the following items should be discussed in this plan?[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]I. Schedule[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Budget[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. Requirements [/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. Staffing[/font][/b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] I, III, IV only
[b] I, II, III only
[c] I, II, IV only
[d] I, II, III, IV
16. Jo is developing a web presentation layer for a mission critical project with a challenging schedule. The project manager, who does not have a technical background, is always pressing for ways to reduce schedule risk. The project is following a staged delivery lifecycle. Requirements and architecture are completed, along with the first stage that delivered the initial database. Vertical slices of functionality are now being developed incrementally. The technology chosen for the presentation layer is making it difficult to implement the user interface design. Jo has just read about a new technology for generating the specified user interface.[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]Adopting a new technology at this stage of a project introduces the following risks:[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]I. increased integration effort and time[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. decreased usability [/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. increased testing effort and time [/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. lower system performance[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]V. lower system reliability[/font][/b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] I and III only
[b] I, II, and III only
[c] I, III, IV, and V only
[d] I,II, III, IV, and V
17. Software metrics should be evaluated for their utility in certain areas of application. Which one of the following areas of application should NOT be considered when evaluating the utility of software metrics?[/size][/font]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] Determining product complexity.
[b] Determining productivity of individual staff members.
[c] Determining when a desired state of quality has been achieved.
[d] Determining the validity of project processes.[/size][/font]
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 16:06
CSDP 考试样题(四)
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体, MS Song][size=3]18. Quality assurance may be applied to: [/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]I. Requirements[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Design[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. Code[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. Testing[/font][/b][/size][/font][/b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] I and II only
[b] I, II, and III only
[c] I, II, III, and IV
[d] IV only
19. Equivalence partitioning is:
[a] a modular programming technique where the application domain is sub-divided into similarly sized functional areas
[b] a black box testing technique that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived
[c] an object oriented design technique for improving program structure by replacing inheritance with delegation
[d] a software project management technique for distributing test responsibility within a project
20. A project manager is assigned to a new client who needs a web interface and database for online ordering. After assessing the scope of work, the manager decides that three GUI designers would be sufficient, and that they work at the client's site. The manager assigns the work to the first three people listed on the available staff sheet, knowing that each of them has less than two months experience at the company, but also knowing that company policy is to hire only personnel who have graduated from an accredited university with a BS degrees in a computing science.[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]The list below shows four ethical principles taken from the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. Which principles might the manager have violated?[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]I. Ensure good management for any project on which they work, including effective procedures for promotion of quality and reduction of risk.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Assign work only after taking into account appropriate contributions of education and experience tempered with a desire to further that education and experience.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. Not unjustly prevent someone from taking a position for which that person is suitably qualified.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. Ensure that software engineers are informed of standards before being held to them.[/font][/b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][a] I, II and III only
[b] I and II only
[c] I, II, III and IV
[d] II and III only
21. Early development on a new product development project proceeded smoothly. Each member of the team was given responsibility for their own component of the final system, and they developed their code independently. Integration was the first time that different code modules were brought together, but clear specifications enabled this phase to complete quickly.[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体, MS Song][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]Now that testing is underway the team is thrashing: lots of work seems to be going on, but very little progress is being made. In particular, bug fixes often introduce new bugs, so the total bug count just keeps increasing.[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]What steps should be taken to improve the team's performance?[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]I. Implement version control[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Establish a baseline for all the code[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. Require that all changes to a module only be performed by the module's original author[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. Perform a configuration audit for each proposed change[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]V. Send configuration status reports to all team members.[/font][/b][/size][/font][/b]
[size=3][font=宋体, MS Song][a] II and III
[b] I and III
[c] I, II and IV
[d] I, II, and V[/font]
bj.zifi 2007-5-16 16:13
CSDP 考试样题(五)
[font=ˎ̥][size=10pt][font=宋体][size=3]22. You are a requirements engineer working on a project to develop a new racing game. Your organization has experience in developing educational games, but this genre is new. In order to gain market share in the gaming market your organization needs to deliver a next generation product. Several features are planned, which require hardware that is itself under development. You have access to the hardware, which introduces some risk. Thankfully, the development schedule is much longer than that of typical game development projects. In order to maximize user satisfaction, your organization can pay local high school students to play the game while it is in development.[/size][/font][b]
[font=宋体][size=3][b][font=ˎ̥]The company is re-examining the lifecycle development model to be used for this product. Which of the following life cycle models will enable you to leverage user feedback during the development of the game?[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]I. Waterfall[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]II. Spiral[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]III. Evolutionary[/font][/b]
[b][font=ˎ̥]IV. Code-and-Fix[/font][/b][/size][/font][/b]
[font=宋体][size=3][a] III and IV
[b]II and III
[c] I and IV
[d] II and IV
23. A design team is working on the design of a payroll system. The system is being revised to accommodate new features that the customer desires. Previous versions of the design were not well documented, and the team is taking advantage of the current version to document the new design.[/size][/font][b]
[b][font=ˎ̥][font=宋体][size=3]Analysis of the previous design noted that functions were grouped into modules in a haphazard way. This design property is BEST described as:[/size][/font][/font][/b][/b]
[font=宋体][size=3][a] Coincidental cohesion
[b]Logical cohesion
[c] Content coupling
[d] Common coupling[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=宋体][size=3]24. The most important aspect of an abstract data type is:
[a] Knowledge about the implementation of an abstract data
type can be used for memory optimization.
[b]All signatures are encapsulated within the abstract data
type's interfaces.
[c] The separation of the implementation of the abstract date
type from its use.
[d] The polymorphism that results from defining a data structure
as an abstract data type.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=宋体][size=3]25. A design team is working on the design of a payroll system. The system is being revised to accommodate new features that the customer desires. Previous versions of the design were not well documented, and the team is taking advantage of the current version to document the new design. [/size][/font][b]
[b][font=ˎ̥][font=宋体][size=3]During product implementation, a mixture of experienced and inexperienced developers were assigned to the project. An orientation process is not in place that creates a consistent process where expectations were clearly defined. During coding inspection, the lead developer told the developers that were new to the organization that their code was difficult to follow and understand. Inspecting their work would need to be rescheduled so that improvements to their code could be made. Which is the MOST effective way to improve the understandability of their code?[/size][/font][/font][/b][/b]
[font=宋体][size=3][a] The developers need to improve the naming of variables and functions.
[b]The developers need to follow well-known industry coding standard in their work.
[c] The developers need to follow company coding standards in their work.
[d] The developers need to explain their work to their teammates so that they can better understand it.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[color=black][font=ˎ̥][font=宋体]:victory: [/font][/font][/color][font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000][/color][/size][/font][/b][/b][/b][/b]
[[i] 本帖最后由 bj.zifi 于 2007-5-16 16:16 编辑 [/i]]