class Ball(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
"""A ball that will move across the screen
Returns: ball object
Functions: update, calcnewpos
Attributes: area, vector"""
if not self.area.contains(newpos):
tl = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.topleft)
tr = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.topright)
bl = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.bottomleft)
br = not self.area.collidepoint(newpos.bottomright)
if tr and tl or (br and bl):
angle = -angle
if tl and bl:
angle = math.pi - angle
if tr and br:
angle = math.pi - angle
else: # Deflate the rectangles so you can't catch a ball behind the bat
player1.rect.inflate(-3, -3)
player2.rect.inflate(-3, -3)
# Do ball and bat collide?
# Note I put in an odd rule that sets self.hit to 1 when they collide, and unsets it in the next
# iteration. this is to stop odd ball behaviour where it finds a collision *inside* the
# bat, the ball reverses, and is still inside the bat, so bounces around inside.
# This way, the ball can always escape and bounce away cleanly
if self.rect.colliderect(player1.rect) == 1 and not self.hit:
angle = math.pi - angle
self.hit = not self.hit
elif self.rect.colliderect(player2.rect) == 1 and not self.hit:
angle = math.pi - angle
self.hit = not self.hit
elif self.hit:
self.hit = not self.hit
self.vector = (angle,z)
class Bat(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
"""Movable tennis 'bat' with which one hits the ball
Returns: bat object
Functions: reinit, update, moveup, movedown
Attributes: which, speed"""