Help on class Rect in module pygame:
class Rect(__builtin__.object)
| The rectangle object is a useful object
| representing a rectangle area. Rectangles are
| created from the pygame.Rect() function. This routine
| is also in the locals module, so importing the locals
| into your namespace allows you to just use Rect().
| Rect contains helpful methods, as well as a list of
| modifiable members:
| top, bottom, left, right, topleft, topright,
| bottomleft, bottomright, size, width, height,
| center, centerx, centery, midleft, midright, midtop,
| midbottom.
| When changing these members, the rectangle
| will be moved to the given assignment. (except when
| changing the size, width, or height member, which will
| resize the rectangle from the topleft corner)
| The rectstyle arguments used frequently with the
| Rect object (and elsewhere in pygame) is one of
| the following things.
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